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Captivate movies

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:58 am
by Tom
Has anyone used a captivate movie with FlashControl?

I can load the movie but I cannot find out when it has finished.

I need this to trigger the next sequence in my program.


Re: Captivate movies

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:16 pm
by hpoulsen
Tom wrote:Has anyone used a captivate movie with FlashControl?

I can load the movie but I cannot find out when it has finished.

I need this to trigger the next sequence in my program.


Yes, We are using FlashplayerControl with Captivate movies!

I have found two ways to find out when Captivate movie end

1. You can compare currentFrame with FrameCount !

if FlashPlayerControl1.GetVariable('rdinfoCurrentFrame')=
FlashPlayerControl1.GetVariable('rdinfoFrameCount') THEN
//place your code here

hint: You can use 'rdinfo*' variable to get info and 'rdcmnd*' to activate bottons on the PlayControl in captivate movies.

2. place a FScommand in Captivate Movie's "Movie End Option" and then assign an event handler to FlashPlayerControl's onFScommand

in Capivate movie's Movie End Option:

set Action = Open URL or File
set Open URL or File = fscommand:MovieEOF

in delphi onFscommand

procedure TMainform.FlashPlayerControl1FSCommand(ASender: TObject;
const command, args: WideString);
if command='MovieEOF' Then
// place you kode here
