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redraw issue

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:10 pm
by ericb_
There is a redraw issue when the flash control moves inside another app. specifically, in my app, I must manually invalidate the "internal" flash window, like so:

HWND hWndFlashExternal = ::GetWindow(hWndPlayer, GW_CHILD);
HWND hWndFlashInternal = ::GetWindow(hWndFlashExternal, GW_CHILD);
::InvalidateRgn(hWndFlashInternal, NULL, TRUE);

If I don't do this, it DOES NOT redraw properly! This of course is somewhat silly, since if the control resizes it should redraw properly.

Seeing as I have purchased the source code, I see your implementation of CFlashPlayerControlWindow::OnSize, which resizes the child control, then calls CFlashPlayerControlContainer::OnSize. In there you use LockWindowUpdate(). Can I ask why? Could this cause problems?

Also, kudos for your custom LoadLibrary implementation. That's some impressive low level work.


Eric Bellotti
Summit Tech

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:07 am
by Softanics
It is seems you can remove LockWindowUpdate() calling from the code.