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Changing Mouse Cursor

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:19 pm
by jankrod
I would like to change the mouse cursor in C# for the flash player.

obviously we can do this through flash but if my mouse moves off the flash player, flash does not know it and the cursor will remain on the screen.

If I change the mouse cursor in C# my new cursor only shows up when the mouse is over .net controls, as soon as I mouse over the flash control the cursor goes back to the regular arrow.

what can I do?

Note that I dont want it to always be the same cursor, it will change depedning on what tool the user has selected.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:10 am
by Softanics
Thank you for your question.

In the current release it's impossible. But I hope we will add this feature in the one of the nearest releases.