
DLL Edition of the F-IN-BOX
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Postby ramrocket » Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:39 am

I have an activeX control hosted on the web and need to support FSCommand. I have implemented support for FSCommand via intercepting notifications in WindowProc function and checking for FPCN_FSCOMMAND.

It is working very well in F8 and my dev machine but it is not working on other machines at work that I have tested. I have placed MessageBox inside FPCN_FSCOMMAND and it is never called.

Is there something I am missing???

thanks in advance. :roll:

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Postby Softanics » Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:04 am

Could you try to see what messages are posted to a parent window using Spy?
FSCommand is only thing that doesn't work?
Best regards, Artem A. Razin,
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Postby ramrocket » Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:10 pm

I know other messages are coming in via WindowProc. Nothing for FSCommand

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Flash 7 or 8

Postby ramrocket » Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:30 pm

Can the FlashPlayerControl selectively select the version of Flash to use? If I want to use F7 instead of F8 how do I do that???

The reason for this is FlashPlayerControl FSCommand works on F7 but not on F8.

I need to resolve this issue asap. Can you please help..

many thanks,

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Re: Flash 7 or 8

Postby Softanics » Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:20 am

ramrocket wrote:Can the FlashPlayerControl selectively select the version of Flash to use? If I want to use F7 instead of F8 how do I do that???

Yes, see: http://www.flashplayercontrol.com/dll/f ... _embedding
Also you can see the sample Sample3_StandalonePlayer included in the demo zip: http://www.flashplayercontrol.com/downl ... rolDLL.zip

ramrocket wrote:The reason for this is FlashPlayerControl FSCommand works on F7 but not on F8.

If it's possible could you send me a compilable part of the code that shows this problem? I've just tried to reproduce the problem but on success. The notification is sending to the parent.

I can suggest you to use a global handler to receive notifications: http://www.flashplayercontrol.com/dll/h ... tener.html
Best regards, Artem A. Razin,

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Postby ramrocket » Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:03 pm

I have tried both WindowProc() and global handler FPCListener to receive notifications. I have thesame result. Works on F7 and dont work on F8. Here is a snippit of my code.

How can I make this to work??? Anything I am missing.

Thanks for you help.


//set the listener
FPCSetEventListener(m_hwndFlashPlayerControl, CFlashPlayerCtrl::FPCListener, (LPARAM) this);


void WINAPI CFlashPlayerCtrl::FPCListener(HWND hwndFlashPlayerControl, LPARAM lParam, NMHDR* pNMHDR)
CFlashPlayerCtrl *pThis = (CFlashPlayerCtrl *)lParam;
if(pThis == NULL) return;

switch (pNMHDR->code)
SFPCFSCommandInfoStruct* pInfo = (SFPCFSCommandInfoStruct*)pNMHDR;

CString temp;
temp.Format("Command = %s , Args = %s", pInfo->command, pInfo->args);
::MessageBox(NULL, temp,AX_CAPTION,MB_OK);

default: break;


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Postby Softanics » Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:36 am

Please download last demo version of the dll and test again. If the problem is still exists, try simple movie with simple fscommand. May be your movie isn't usual and isn't compatible fully with flash 8? Could you send me your movie to support (at) flashplayercontrol.com?
Best regards, Artem A. Razin,

F-IN-BOX support

Ask your question here: http://www.f-in-box.com/support.html

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