Playing swf stream 2nd time,keeps last file bakground color

.NET Edition of the F-IN-BOX
Saqib Hanif
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:41 am

Playing swf stream 2nd time,keeps last file bakground color

Postby Saqib Hanif » Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:04 am

I am using f_in_box control version and f_in_box__lib version I am playing swf files from stream using following code:

MemoryStream objMemStream = new MemoryStream();

form objects are creating at runtime. when i assign stream to objForm1 to first time it displays the swf without any problem, but when at runtime i change the swf file and use same above code to assign new file stream the f_in_box control plays the changed swf file but it keeps the background color of old swf file.
The control is updating backcolor for the first time and on next stream assigning any number of times it keeps backcolor of first swf file.
Why the backcolor of cotrol is not updating on second time file assignment. How to resolve this problem.

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Postby Softanics » Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:05 am

Thank you for your question.

What if to call
FlashProperty_BackgroundColor = -1
before loading new movie?

Thank you.
Best regards, Artem A. Razin,
F-IN-BOX support
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Saqib Hanif
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:41 am

Postby Saqib Hanif » Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:23 am

Thanks, for an urgent reply.
When i set background color to -1 before loading new swf stream, it sets the background color to black.
Can it be possible that as swf stream loads for the first time and the control automatically sets the background color to swf's background color. Same must be done on next swf assignment the control get the new background color.


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Postby Softanics » Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:30 am

Saqib Hanif wrote:Thanks, for an urgent reply.
When i set background color to -1 before loading new swf stream, it sets the background color to black.
Can it be possible that as swf stream loads for the first time and the control automatically sets the background color to swf's background color. Same must be done on next swf assignment the control get the new background color.

It seems it would be better to recreate the contol.

Or to set background color to a color that is specified in a movie. Unfortunaly, f-in-box is not able to change it automatically.

Thank you.
Best regards, Artem A. Razin,

F-IN-BOX support

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